
Advertisement is information for persuading and motivating people so that will attract them to the service and the things that offered or informed.

Function of Advertisement :

Language of Advertisement keep the following points :

· Using the correct or suitable words.

· Using the interesting and suggestive expression.

· Using positive expression.

· Text of advertisement should be directed to the goals.

Content of Advertisement :

v Objective and honest.

v Brief and clear.

v Not allude group or other producer.

v Attract attention.

Media of Advertisement :

§ By television.

§ By radio.

§ Bilboard.

§ Leaflet.

§ Famflet. 

§ Newspaper.

§ Magazine.

Kinds of Advertisement :

Ø Family advertisement.

Ø Invitation advertisement.

Ø Announcement advertisement.

Ø Article advertisement.

Ø Requested advertisement.

Ø Sponsored advertisement.

Ø Offer advertisement.

Expessing Sympathy

Expressing sympathy is used to expression sympathy felling or care to someone who has problem or accident.

Kinds of expressing sympathy :

Ø That’s awfull.

Ø That’s a shame. Poor you.

Ø That’s a pity. I express my deeps.

Ø That’s a terrible.

Ø That’s too bad.

Ø That’s dread full.

Ø What a shame.

Ø What a pity.

Ø How terrible!

Ø How dread full!

Ø I’m sorry to hear that.

Ø I’m sorry to know that.

Ø I’m sympathy with you.

Ø I’m so sad to hear that.

Ø I’m so sad to know that.

Ø I can sympathy.

Ø I know the felling.

Ø I know what you feel.

Ø Oh no………

Ø Oh dear………! 

Accepting sympathy :

Ø Thank you.

Ø Thanks.

Ø Thank you very much.

Ø Thank you so much.

How to Gain Attention People Orally

Gaining attention is expression that used to get attention or response from somebody.

Kinds of expressing gaining attention :

· Attention please.

· May/can I have you attention please.

· Excuse me.

· Look here.

· Look at me, please.

· Listen to me, please.

· Waiter.

· I hope you can attention me.

· I’m sorry, but……….

· Silent, please.

· Be quite.

· Don’t be noisy!

Showing attention :
Look at you.
How beautiful!
That’s wonderful!
What’s the matter?
Is everything alright?
That’s terrific!
Oh really? Is it true.
Oh my God. What happens?

Giving Instruction

Giving instruction is an expression for give or ask somebody to do something that we want.

Giving instruction same with imperative sentences.

Giving instruction are :
Verb (+ O).

Example : Watch out, come here, etc.

· Please + V (+ O).

Example : Please clean your room.

· V (+ O) + Please.

Example : Wash this towel, please.


· Don’t + V (+ O).

Example : Don’t close it!

· Don’t + V (+ O) + Please.

Example : Don’t be noise, please.

· Would you mind not + V-ing (+ O).

Example : Would you mind not reading my diary.

Kinds of giving instruction :

· Verb 1.

Example :

§ Wash your hand.

§ Eat your meal.

§ Sit down.

· Be + adjective.

Example :

§ Be your self.

§ Be a good student.

§ Be strong.

§ Be happy.

· Don’t + V-infinitive.

Example :

§ Don’t armb!

§ Don’t eat!

§ Don’t approach!

§ Don’t disturb!

§ Don’t touch!

· No + V-ing.

Example :

§ No smooking!

§ No swimming!

§ No parking!

§ No fishing!

Simple Past Tense

The formula of Simple Past Tense :

(+ ) S + Verb 2 + O.

( - ) S + did not + Verb 1 + O.

(? )Did + S + Verb 1 + O.

Simple past tense used to talk about an action that happened in the past.

Simple past tense also used to tell a story. The time signals that indicate such happening are yesterday, this morning, just now, a few minutes ago ,long time ago, and last.

Example :
(+ ) Ichsan went to Singapore last year.

( - ) Ichsan did not go to Singapore last year.

(? ) Did Ichsan go to Singapore last year?

(+ ) They came to my house the day before yesterday.

( - ) They did not come to my house the day before yesterday.

(? ) Did they come to my house the day before yesterday?

(+ ) Salahudin bought a new car yesterday. 

( - ) salahudin did not buy a new car yesterday.

(? ) Did Salahudin buy a new car yesterday?

(+ ) You left me alone last week.

( - ) You did not leave me alone last week.

(? ) Did you leave me alone last week?

Note :

1. In positive sentences, all of the main verb in the verb II (past tense).

2. In negative sentences, all of the main verb in the verb I.

Direct Speech n indirect speech

Direct Speech : Refers to reproducing another person exact words. We use quatation marks (“ “)

 Example :
  ~ Jani said, “I’m very busy.”
  ~ They said, “We have bought a picture.”
  ~ He said, “I am learning my lesson.”
  ~ Lisa says, “I got the first prize.”
  ~ You said, “I will come to help him.” ~ Oscar will say, “I will do my best.” 

Indirect Speech :
 Refers to reproducing the idea of another persons word. Not all of the exact are used :
 Verb forms and Pronouns

There are 3 kinds of Indirect Speech :
1. Imperative (command/request)
2. Interrogative (question)
3. Declarative (Statement)

Example :

  1. Imperative (command/request)
 Direct : Mrs. Rika said to Dina, “Don’t worry about it”.
 Indirect : Mrs. Rika told to Dina not to worry about it.

2. Interrogative (question)
 Direct : Risa asked to Nico, “Are you a journalist?”
 Indirect : Risa asked if/whether He was a journalist.

3. Declarative (statement)
 Direct : Mr. Dion said, “I worked hard yesterday”.
 Indirect : Mr. Dion said that he worked hard the day before.

In command sentences, direct speech can changed to indirect speech with change “Said” to be “ordered”, “told” and “Forbade”.
Direct : Hamid said, “Open the door!” 
 Indirect : Hamid ordered to open the door
Direct : Hamid said , “Dul, come here!”
 Indirect : Hamid told Dul to come there
Direct : Hamid said to Andi, “Do not disturb me”
 Indirect : Hamid forbade Andi to disturb him


Teks procedure bertujuan untuk Menerangkan bagaimana membuat/ melakukan sesuatu berdasarkan serangkaian langkah atau kegiatan (steps).
  Stuktur teks Procedure terdiri dari: 
1. Aim/Goal (tujuan) : dapat berupa judul
2. Materials : bahan dan alat yang di perlukan, namun tidak semua teks procedure memerlukan
  tahap ini.
3. Steps : langkah-langkah untuk melakukan kegiatan ( teks procedure).
  Karakteristik teks Procedure:
1. Menggunakan the simple present tense, biasanya terbentuk kalimat imperatif.
2. Menggunakan kata hubung temporal , seperti first, Second , then, next, Finally, dll.
3. Menggunakan action verbs, seperti turn on, stir, cook,dll. 
How To Operate a Digital camera
You Need: 
1. A digital camera 
2. An Object ( a friend/ classmate or something interesting you can find around the classroom
  or school yard) .
Follow the Steps below to take pictures : 
1. Hold up the camera and centre the object in the LCD.
2. Move closer or use the Zoom control for the result you want. 
3. When you're ready to take the picture, hold the shutter halfway. It is very important, so the 
  camera sets the focus , shutter speed, and various others collculations. This may take a few  
4. A light should appear that lets you know the camera is set to go.
5. press shutter all the way down.
It May be necessary to turn off the LCD and use the view finder when there is extreme sunlight or to conserve battery life. The glafe from the LCD does not work well with bright light.